We arrived in Paris early morning on the 16th of September. The weather was classic Paris – rainy and cold. The first time I visited Paris was with my good friend Bridget and we had an amazing time.

I love how common balconies are in Paris. They only add to the city’s charm. We were incredibly lucky to stay at the Castille Paris located on Chanel’s legendary street in the exclusive 1st Arrondissement.

Unfortunately, because of how packed my schedule was for Premiere Vision, I only had a few hours on Monday to sight see. I had to pick what I wanted to see so I chose the Eiffel Tower. Because…it’s the Eiffel Tower.

On our way back to the hotel we walked past a few places that were just breathtaking. I found the little car below to be adorable. I could see Schiap and I cruising around Williamsburg in something like this.

For our first dinner we went to Chez Janou. This restaurant focuses on Southern French cuisine and has many different types of Pastis. The menu is excellent and well priced. I couldn’t take a picture, but they have the hugest Chocolate Mousse I have ever seen. You can order it but you cannot share with anyone!
Going to PV for the first time was an amazing experience. I was exhausted at the end of every single day but it was worth it. For those of you who aren’t in the fashion fabric world, PV is a biannual fabric fair that takes place in Paris. The best fabric mills attend and those who work in fabric, like myself, travel from all over the world to preview the new collections and source new innovative qualities.

After my second day at PV a few of my co-workers, Spencer and I headed over to Ralph’s for dinner. I’m not saying this solely because the man’s my “boss” but Ralph’s offers the very best service I’ve ever experienced at a restaurant. The food came out promptly and was amazing. I went with the classic burger because it’s what the restaurant is best known for. The meat for the burgers is sourced from Mr. Lauren’s ranch in Colorado. Not the greenest meal but…

I went for a run on my third day there and bumped into the Louvre. It was the only clear day so I decided to take full advantage and stop for the shots of the beautiful building.

For our last dinner in Paris, we met up with my dear friend Gabriel of Les Rhabilleurs. We met up at Le Dauphin for one of the best dinners I had while in Paris. The interior of the restaurant is very clean and modern. They focus on small plates that are meant for sharing.

Paris will always hold a very special place in my heart and I can’t wait to see you again!