After two amazing weeks of wedding celebrations Spencer and I took a Mini Honeymoon road trip across the country. We started in California and made our way back to NYC. Our first stop was Utah and I can’t begin to tell you what an amazing state Utah is. It is filled with picturesque landscapes made of dreams.
We spent two nights there and I’m so glad we did because we were able to do two hikes at Zion National Park. If you ever get the chance to visit Zion do not hesitate. It’s one of the most beautiful places ever and the park is incredibly well maintained. They have shuttle buses that take you into Zion from Springdale (town closest to the park) every few minutes. Once you are actually in the park they have another shuttle that leaves you at any trail head.
We got into Springdale just after 5 pm and got dinner at MeMe’s Cafe. They had the most adorable outdoor space that had an incredible view. We had their pulled chicken sandwich and an amazing salad.The next morning we woke up fairly early and got coffee and a burrito at Deep Creek Coffee Co. Cutest cafe in all of Utah! The people were so nice and the burrito was amazing! They also have a deck outside that (of course) has an incredible view.
Once we were finished with our breakfast we headed into the park on a free shuttle. The cost for two people for eight days of access to the park was only $25, which is such a steal considering the free transportation to and from the park. You can also drive yourself into the park but dealing with parking can sometimes be more trouble than it’s worth. The park has access to restrooms and water fountains at every trail head. They have a detailed description of every trail, how long it will take round trip and the difficulty level.
The first trail we hiked was Emerald Pools followed by Angel’s Landing, which was my favorite. It’s a pretty intense hike but totally worth it. After we made it to the lookout we decided to leave a few things behind so that we could focus on the hike up to Angel’s Landing. Spencer had a bag full of snacks that he set down and we thought we would get back after the hike. Little did we know that three little chipmunks would tear through our bag and eat ALL of our snacks! I’m glad we didn’t leave the water behind.
I’m completely in love with Utah and its beauty. I’m sure we will be back to Zion sometime in the future…
Despues de dos increíbles semanas de celebrar nuestra boda, Spencer y yo tomamos un viaje en carro. Empezamos en California e hicimos nuestro camino de regreso a Nueva York. Nuestra primera parada fue en Utah y dejenme contarles lo increíble que Utah es. Está lleno de pintorescos paisajes hechos de sueños.
Pasamos dos noches allí y estoy muy contenta de haberlo hecho ya que fuimos capaces de hacer dos caminatas en el Parque Nacional Zion. Si alguna vez tienen la oportunidad de visitar Zion no lo duden. Es uno de los lugares más bellos que existen y el parque está muy bien cuidado. Tienen autobuses que te llevan a Zion desde Springdale (pueblo más cercano al parque) cada diez minutos.
Llegamos Springdale justo después de las 5 pm y cenamos en MeMe’s Cafe. Teínen un espacio al aire libre con una vista increíble. Nos despertamos bastante temprano y desayunamos café y un burrito en Deep Creek Coffee Co. El café más lindo de todo Utah!
Una vez que habíamos terminado con nuestro desayuno nos dirigimos hacia el parque en un servicio de transporte gratuito. Ya que llegamos al parque solo pagamos $25 por dos personas para tener acesso por ocho dias, lo cual es una oferta tomando en cuenta el transporte gratuito desde y hacia el parque. El parque cuenta con acceso a baños y fuentes de agua en cada sendero. Tienen una descripción detallada de cada sendero, cuánto tiempo se tardará ida y vuelta y el nivel de dificultad.
El primer sendero que tomamos fue Emerald Pools seguido por Angel’s Landing, cual fue mi favorito. Es una caminata bastante intensa pero vale la pena. Antes de embarcar a Angel’s Landing decidimos dejar algunas cosas atrás para poder concentrarnos en la caminata. Spencer tenía una bolsa llena de bocadillos que dejo atras. Lo que no tomamos en cuenate fue que tres pequeñas ardillas podrían romper nuestra bolsa y comerse TODOS los bocadillos!
Estoy completamente enamorada de Utah y su belleza. Estoy segura de que volveremos a Zion en algún momento en el futuro …